
Face recognition with python (pt1)

Introduction In this tutorial series we will go through step by step process of developing a face recognition system using python programming language. Lets go!          watch this tutorial on YouTube  Prerequisites This tutorial assumes you already have basic knowledge in python programming and you already have your favorite text editor installed. Additionally the following tools should be installed. OpenCV (pip install opencv-python) OpenCV Contrib (pip install opencv-contrib-python) Pillow (pip install Pillow) Steps To get our system to start recognizing  faces, there are a few steps that we should follow: Detect faces Create a face data-set Training Face recognition In this part of the tutorial we will cover step 1 & 2 . Detect Faces and Create a face data-set Face Detection  is not Face recognition! Before you can start  to recognize whose face this is, you need to first find which one is a human face within a fr

What is face recognition?

Watch a face recognition demo. Face Recognition In simple terms, face recognition is the ability of a software application to uniquely identify a person  based on facial characteristics.  Face recognition goes hand-in-hand with face detection and it should be noted that the two are different. Face detection is simply identifying that there exist a human face in an image. With this in mind, face recognition follows after face detection. Applications of face recognition Security. This is one of the major uses of face recognition. Face recognition is a biometric security to authenticate users e.g in mobile phone or at door locks. Criminal identification. Healthcare. To access patient's medical records as well as monitor and diagnose diseases . Many tech companies are using face recognition to enhance their software applications. Facebook uses face recognition to identify people in a post. Google image search uses face recognition to search for a person on